Monday, August 31, 2009


The doctor gave us the ok for me to try solid foods. My first try with rice cereal went pretty well. I wasn't sure what to make of it but I think some ended up going in my mouth? We practice eating it once a day but ever since the first try I haven't taken to it too well. I think I am choking on it. Mommy laughs at the faces I make but I don't think its funny! This stuff feels weird in my mouth. We are going to keep practicing every day until I get the hang of this eating with a spoon thing. I am sure there will be lots of pictures to come, they get a kick out of my misery!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

4 Month Check up

Today I had my four month check up. Dr. Gray said I look really healthy. I had to get another round of shots which was extra awful because I was REALLY tired! She said I can start solid foods as soon as I am ready to. Mommy and Daddy decided that we can try it out soon to see if I like it.

Updated Stats:
14 lbs 1 oz 85%
25 and 3/8 inches 65%

Posey Lake in Hudson, MI

We went for out friend's Lake house again. Last time we went I was six weeks old. I still really liked the boat even though it was cold out. Daddy and mommy went wake surfing and both improved a lot from last time.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Columbus Zoo & Zoombezi Bay

So Aunt Kathy, Uncle Tom, TJ, Kaitlyn and Kendra all came to visit us for a couple of days. On Thursday we went to the Columbus Zoo. Mommy and Daddy said I was really well behaved. I really liked watching all the different colored fish at the Aquarium! Posted is also a pic of me and daddy, do you see the lion in the background?

On Friday we went to the water park called Zoombezi Bay. Everyone had a really good time. My cousins were all brave and went on some really high water slides. I am too little and will be for a couple years. Daddy did put my feet in the water but it was too cold!! As you can see by my reaction I was mad! We had a really fun time with our family and look forward to doing it again next year when I can do more.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My First Family Vacation at Hilton Head Island, SC

Here are some of the many photos capturing our time at HHI. We were there for two weeks. I got to see the beach for the first time and go swimming. The beach was a little too windy and sunny for my liking. I did like the pool though! Being in the water was relaxing because they made sure it was nice and warm for me. I saw Gregg Russell for the first time and went on the bubblegum cruise. I also went on a boat while everyone went tubing and then got stuck in a big thunderstorm out on a private island. I had no idea any of it was going on because I slept through it all, mommy just told me about it after.

Everyone said I was an angel on vacation. I am starting to be more comfortable and not fuss so much. I also had lots of family there to hang out with which made me happy. On vacation I started smiling a lot more and opening my mouth to try to talk. I have lots to say and am just starting to learn how to make sounds (other than crying). It wont be long until they won't be able to keep me quiet.

Mommy and Daddy were worried about the trip home. On the way down we stopped and stayed overnight in Charlotte, NC. We wanted to make the trip home all in one day. Well, we only had to stop one time for me to eat and I slept the whole way up until the last 4 miles when I decided I REALLY wanted out of my seat right then.
It was a great first vacation!!!