Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Road Trip to Pittsburgh to Meet the Family

Last weekend my parents, dogs and I went to Pittsburgh to visit family. My mommy and daddy were both worried about me in the car for that long. I slept the whole time so it didn't seem that long to me. On Saturday the Umberger family got together for dinner at grandma and grandpap's house. From what I hear a lot of family got to hold me but I don't remember because I slept the whole day. I finally did get up at 9:30 pm and hung out a bit with my cousins, aunts and uncles. Mommy's friend Sandra and daddy's friend Bryan also got to come and meet me that day. Sunday I went over G.G.'s house for lunch to meet more family. I got to meet lots of mommy's cousins, aunts and uncles. I also got to meet mommy's friend Jackie and my parents old neighbor Rick. Monday I got to meet my Great-grandma Frack. You can see it was a very packed weekend. Below are some pictures my parents took from our trip. Enjoy!

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