Monday, May 11, 2009

1 Week Old Already...

Wow!  I can't believe I am already a week old.  My parents really can't believe how fast time is going.  I have seen so much and met a lot of family over the past week.  When I was first born I got to meet my grandparents, Uncle Michael, Aunt Shannon and cousin Gianna, and Aunt Debbie.  I also got to meet my two puppies, Jake and Layla.  Oh, and I can't forget my great-grandma, G.G.  I have spent a lot of time resting up from my big day last Monday.  Nana and Grandpap McDade spent the first part of the week with me.  Once they left it was time to bond with Grandma and Grandpap Umberger.  My mommy and I got to celebrate our first Mother's Day together.  We went to church and then brunch.  I got her a ring with my name and birthstone on it.  I think she really liked it cause she's been wearing it ever since.  Thanks for picking it out for me daddy!  I am starting to get used to things out here in the world.  Mommy and Daddy love me so much and I love spending time with them.  I am still not too sure about my crib.  Its a bit big and scary so I haven't been too happy sleeping in there.  I much rather sleep with my parents but they seem to think its a bad idea.  For my birthday today we went to the dog park and let Jake and Layla go swimming.  I also had a doctor's appointment.  I weighed 8 lbs and 7 oz.  I have gained three ounces since leaving the hospital and I am only 7 ounces below my birth weight.  The doctors say I am really healthy. Well, I think thats it for now.  It's time for another nap!  Stay tuned for more...

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog! Thanks for keeping up with the updates. It's nice knowing I am so far away but I can get a quick update on what my sweet niece is doing! keep up the good work...kiss that baby for me! Debbie
