Tuesday, May 26, 2009

3 Weeks Old Now!! My Alertness

I'm now 3 weeks old already. I'm sleeping very good through the night. The worst nights it takes me about 30 minutes to fall asleep and i'll wake up once in the middle of the night to get fed. Mommy & Daddy have started to put me down for bed a little earlier now, around 11pm.

Mommy & Daddy say they can see me growing already. My newborn clothes don't fit. I'm awake during the days a little longer now. My favorite time to be awake is early evening. I'm starting to get more alert. I love big pictures on the wall especially ones with contrasting colors. I've been staring at Mommy & Daddy a lot and I'm slightly starting to mimic there faces. Here's a video and a picture of me being very alert :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bath Tubs...Yay!!

Noooo more sponge baths for me! I'm already
old enough to take baths in the tub. I'm still not a
big fan but they are waaayyyy better than the
cold sponge. Pretty soon I'll be able to play in the
tub and squirt my parents with my toys. :)

Road Trip to Pittsburgh to Meet the Family

Last weekend my parents, dogs and I went to Pittsburgh to visit family. My mommy and daddy were both worried about me in the car for that long. I slept the whole time so it didn't seem that long to me. On Saturday the Umberger family got together for dinner at grandma and grandpap's house. From what I hear a lot of family got to hold me but I don't remember because I slept the whole day. I finally did get up at 9:30 pm and hung out a bit with my cousins, aunts and uncles. Mommy's friend Sandra and daddy's friend Bryan also got to come and meet me that day. Sunday I went over G.G.'s house for lunch to meet more family. I got to meet lots of mommy's cousins, aunts and uncles. I also got to meet mommy's friend Jackie and my parents old neighbor Rick. Monday I got to meet my Great-grandma Frack. You can see it was a very packed weekend. Below are some pictures my parents took from our trip. Enjoy!

Monday, May 11, 2009

1 Week Old Already...

Wow!  I can't believe I am already a week old.  My parents really can't believe how fast time is going.  I have seen so much and met a lot of family over the past week.  When I was first born I got to meet my grandparents, Uncle Michael, Aunt Shannon and cousin Gianna, and Aunt Debbie.  I also got to meet my two puppies, Jake and Layla.  Oh, and I can't forget my great-grandma, G.G.  I have spent a lot of time resting up from my big day last Monday.  Nana and Grandpap McDade spent the first part of the week with me.  Once they left it was time to bond with Grandma and Grandpap Umberger.  My mommy and I got to celebrate our first Mother's Day together.  We went to church and then brunch.  I got her a ring with my name and birthstone on it.  I think she really liked it cause she's been wearing it ever since.  Thanks for picking it out for me daddy!  I am starting to get used to things out here in the world.  Mommy and Daddy love me so much and I love spending time with them.  I am still not too sure about my crib.  Its a bit big and scary so I haven't been too happy sleeping in there.  I much rather sleep with my parents but they seem to think its a bad idea.  For my birthday today we went to the dog park and let Jake and Layla go swimming.  I also had a doctor's appointment.  I weighed 8 lbs and 7 oz.  I have gained three ounces since leaving the hospital and I am only 7 ounces below my birth weight.  The doctors say I am really healthy. Well, I think thats it for now.  It's time for another nap!  Stay tuned for more...

Happy 1st Mother's Day

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

My 1st Bath!

My Pups...

Layla & Jake are so sweet! They already Love me.. and i can't wait to torture them!!!

How Cute Am I???

My 1st dress. I got my professional hospital pictures in this dress.

Pj's from my 2nd night in Hospital!

My Welcome Home Outfit! My hat is just a tad too big :)

My Pj's from my first night of sleep at the hospital

I Love My Grandparents!

Grandpap & Grandma Umberger

Nana McDade

Pap-pap McDade

Our 1st Family Photo