Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hilton He ad Island, SC

Vacation 2011 was a success! Delaney and Bauer both enjoyed their first vacation and 4th of July. We got the opportunity to spend time with all of our family and had a great time. The weather was perfect. Lots of time was spent swimming in the pool and playing at the beach. Some other things we liked was the water pad at coligny and getting to ride in the trailor behind Uncle Michael's bike. All in all it was another great and fun vacation with our family. Hope you enjoy some pictures of it below!

Such a Pretty Princess

Delaney's 5 months old

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kings Island

We had lots of fun at Kings Island. I wasnt scared of a single ride. I road the Peanut rollar coaster and a mini pitfall along with a lot of other rides. Anything I was tall enough to ride I did and with a smile on my face.

4 month check up

Well our 4 month check up didnt go so good. Delaney only gained 5 oz in two months and also dropping in her height and head circumference percentiles. We had to switch to formula and do some closer monitoring to make sure she grows like she should. Well the good news is that after two weeks she has gained 1 lb 4 oz. We go back at 5 months to see if she is also getting longer so hoepfully that will all go as well as the weight gain has.

Look who is growing up!

Fun in the Sun

Brienna is a natural fish!! Cant wait to hopefully get into some swim lessons! The pool and playset will be getting lots of use this summer.

Delaney's baptism

Briennas 2nd Birthday Party

We had a lot of fun at my birthday party! We had lots of family travel in just to celebrate my special day. Luckily the rain gave us long enough of a break to be able to play on my new swing set, swim and enjoy the bouncy house. It was Dora themed of coarse, everyone knows how much I love Dora! We had lots of fun, so much fun that I didnt want to open my presents. After trying to hold me down my mom finally gave up and opened them for me so that I could go back to playing. All and all it was a success.

Daddy's and Brienna's Birthday

For my birthday we had a lot of fun. When I woke up from my nap I found my door decorated for my birthday. Aunt Debbie, Uncle Bob and Taylor came over for dinner, cake, and presents later in the day. Daddy and I got to share a cake since we are special birthday buddies. I got lots of fun presents on my birthday and had a wonderful day.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More Easter Pictures

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was a really busy day! It started off with getting our baskets from the Easter Bunny. I got some new books, a puzzle, a Minnie Mouse movie and candy. We then went to church before heading to Bubba's house. She loved seeing us and really enjoyed holding Delaney. Next on the list was Aunt Linda and Uncle Larry's house. We got to see all our aunts, uncles and cousins, Nana and Pap-pap, and G.G. There we got to eat lunch, play with Madelyn, Anthony and Gianna, and do an Easter egg hunt. I was a PRO egg hunter and had so many eggs in my basket they were overflowing. Lastly we went back to Grandma and Grandpap Umbergers for dinner were we got to play even more before heading back to Columbus.

Pretty Pretty Princess