Friday, March 5, 2010

Yummy Bitter Biscuits!

These biscuits are a rare treat because they are really messy! I was enjoying it and thought Layla would too! I passed the biscuit back and forth between her and I a few times before Layla decided to finish the whole thing. Layla and I are becoming the best of friends, probably because I feed her at all my meals!

10 Months Old!!!

These photo shoots get more and more interesting for me each month! I discovered the cd player next to me today and had a fun time turning it on over and over while mommy tried to get me to stay still for a picture. It was also fun repeatedly throwing the frame on the ground and watching mommy pick it up! :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mommy & Daddy's Trip to Grand Cayman

Mommy and Daddy had a great trip together while I stayed at both my Grandma Umberger's house and Nana's house. I got to spend time with family I don't get to see enough and my parents got some quiet time.