Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mommy & Daddy's Friends

Jimmy & Kristin Fisher
Last weekend I got to meet two more of mommy and daddy's friends. They traveled all the way from Washington D.C. to see me. They were both really nice and took turns holding me. Jimmy looked like a natural!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dance Recital

We came to Pittsburgh to see cousin Kaitlyn's dance recital. Like my tutu?

Father's Day

On Sunday I got to celebrate father's day with my daddy. Can't you tell from the pictures that I am a daddy's girl? I love him so much! He is such a great daddy to me. Mom says I already have him wrapped around my finger :)

This picture is of me, cousin Gianna and our friend Carter.

Look Who's Smiling!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Posey Lake in Huron, Michigan

This past weekend Mommy & Daddy took me to their friends house at Posey Lake in Michigan. I don't remember either 3 hour car ride since I slept the whole time. When we arrived there saturday afternoon the weather was overcast and a bit chilly. I went on my first boat ride (a pontoon boat) and took a picture with mom and dad to prove it. On sunday the weather was beautiful and i got to wear my pretty purple bathing suit. We went on another boat ride but this time on a speed boat. The boat rides were very relaxing and they put me right to sleep. Mom and Dad got a quick lesson on wake surfing and gave it a try. They both said it was a lot of fun and couldn't wait to try it again. Daddy thinks he can do it without the rope next time but i doubt it :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Daddy's Go To Position

This is dadd'y go to position when i get fussy. He starts by tapping my back and after few minutes i end up like this almost every time. I guess this is how i fit in mommy's belly :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Girl Power.....

Meet my new best friends Kaileigh Jade Bock and Jillian Elizabeth Jane Welsh. It was a full moon on June 6th so both decided to come into the world on the same day. Kaileigh's mommy was roommates with my mom at OSU. Her daddy just got back from Afghanistan in time to welcome her. The first picture is of us. The second picture is of Jillian with me and my parents. She looks just like her big brother! Jillian's daddy played hockey at OSU with daddy. I was so excited to find out she was a girl and I had another new friend. Daddy says it is my "clique." I think going to visit my new friends showed my parents just how big I am getting. I am at least 3 lbs bigger than both of them.

Grandma Invasion!!!

So Grandma and Nana came to visit us this past weekend. They babysat me while mommy and daddy went out with some friends. My parents were worried that I would give them a hard time but why would I act up for my grandmas? Mommy told me to behave and not cry when it was time to sleep and I am a good listener! Mommy and Daddy were very proud of me. Count on Nana to have the idea for a photo shoot with some of my new outfits. Don't you love the bathing suit? Mommy thinks I look a lot like my cousin Gianna in this picture. It was so nice having my grandmas here to spoil me and I miss them already. I can't wait to go back to Pittsburgh to see them and the rest of the family soon.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy 1 Month Birthday to Me!!!

Can you believe its been a month since I was welcomed into the world? I can't!! It's gone by really fast. I have grown A LOT since coming home. I spent the day at home hanging out with mommy while daddy was golfing. When he got home we ate dinner and had a photo shoot in my bedroom. We just spent the rest of the time hanging out as a family.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

4 Week Check-up.... I'm Healthy:)

Updated Stats...
  • Height- 22 inches (1 inch since birth)
  • Weight- 10 lbs 5 oz (1 lb 7 oz since birth)
  • 88th  percentile for both height & weight
  • Head 15 in diameter

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My 4th Week Summary...

Daddy's Girls
Love Leg Kicking!
Daddy Time on the Glider

Starting to Get Interested

My Cute Leggings!

1st Bottle - May 27th

This past week my parents introduced the bottle and pacifier to me.  I had no trouble right away with the bottle. However, I'm not to sure what to make of the pacifier. It usually upsets me more instead of calming me.